1. How do i know what type of stall to apply for?

    if you are a registered business or you hand make your tradable goods the you must apply as a business stall. If you are only selling second hand goods that you no longer need you can apply as a pre-loved stall. Please ensure you apply under the correct option as we will check your goods prior to opening.

  2. How Much are Stalls?

    Stalls are priced based on the markets location and start from $45.00 for a 2m x 2m or 2.5m x 2m site and $55.00 for a 3m x 2m or 4m x 2m depending on the venue and size of the area we have. Food stalls are $70.00.

  3. Click here for stall prices: Book a stall | All For Kids Market | Melbourne

  4. What size are the stalls?

    we have 2 options at each market. Stalls are either 2m x 2m or 2.5m x 2m for the smaller sites for those who only need a small space upto 3mx2m and 4m x 2m for those who need that bit of extra space.

  5. Are tables or clothing racks included in the stall costs?

    No. Tressle tables and clothing racks are not included in the stall costs. Tables can be hired for $10.00. Clothing racks are $6.00

  6. Can i bring my own table or clothing rack?

    You most certainly can. You are not obligated to hire our tables. please note though that our venues are generally indoor basketball stadiums. any damage that you cause to the floors will be your responsibility. We do however have rubber squares that you can use to place under any table or clothing rack you bring.

  7. Is insurance included in the cost of the stall?

    Yes Insurance is included with all stalls under the organisers policy

  8. can i sell food at the All For Kids Market?

    Yes but only at certain locations. Provided you are Streat Trader registered and have Public Liability insurance.

  9. How do i apply as a trader?

    you can apply via our bookings partner Issimo by visiting: https://www.issimomarkets.com/bookings/210591